NLP for Market Research: A game-changer

November 10, 2021


Market research has always been a time-intensive and resource-heavy task. Traditionally, it involved manually collecting, analyzing and interpreting data to understand the market. However, with the advent of Natural Language Processing (NLP), market research is now a faster and more accurate process. In this blog post, we will discuss how NLP is revolutionizing market research.

Understanding NLP

NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that deals with the interaction between computers and human language. It has allowed computers to understand, interpret and generate human language, making communication between humans and computers more efficient.

NLP for Market Research

NLP has revolutionized market research in the following ways:

1. Automated Data Collection

Market research data can be collected from various sources, including social media platforms, customer feedback comments, and online reviews. NLP algorithms can automatically collect unstructured data from these sources, making the data collection process more efficient.

For example, a study by Forrester found that using NLP algorithms reduced the time taken to analyze unstructured data by 80%. This means that businesses can collect and analyze data in real-time, helping them make faster and better-informed decisions.

2. Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a process of categorizing opinions as positive, negative or neutral. NLP algorithms can accurately analyze the sentiment of customer feedback, online reviews, and social media posts, providing valuable insights into the market.

According to a study by IBM, using sentiment analysis in market research can help businesses reduce the time taken to analyze customer feedback by up to 50%. This provides businesses with quick and insightful feedback, which they can use to improve their products and services.

3. Language Translation

Language barriers can be a major obstacle in market research. However, NLP algorithms can accurately translate text from different languages, enabling businesses to collect data from a wide range of sources.

For example, a study by MIT found that using NLP algorithms for language translation increased the accuracy of translations by up to 90%, providing businesses with accurate data that they can analyze to gain insights into the market.


NLP is changing the game for market research by providing faster, more accurate, and unbiased insights. It allows businesses to gather data from a variety of sources, analyze it in real-time, and gain insights that they can use to improve their products and services. As the technology continues to improve, we can expect to see even more significant advancements in the field of market research.


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